


Request failed: Security Token not valid.

Added by ksar ksar over 8 years ago

Dear all,

I just upgrade to PHP 7 and Extplorer 2.1.9.
I get an error each time I try to move or delete files : Request failed: Security Token not valid.

I do not understand what happen, it seems that a token should be sent on the POST, but I could not see any definition of it.

DO you have an idea ?

Thanks a lot.

Replies (2)

RE: Request failed: Security Token not valid. - Added by ksar ksar over 8 years ago

There is no Token on the POST :

POST /listef/index.php option=com_extplorer&dir=%2Fmnt%2Fraid%2Fvideos&item=My_video.mp4&selitems%5B%5D=My_Video.mp4&action=delete

RE: Request failed: Security Token not valid. - Added by ksar ksar over 8 years ago

I answer to my self :

The problem is the scripts folder that is delivered as a tar.gz file
When I upgrade I do not extract the scripts.tar.gz to the scripts folder so I use the last scripts versions with the new php files.

My bad.

Sorry to distrub
