Fehler #110
openProblem in the root path wiith \v
My Root directory must be something like that
C:\Program Files\webserveur\www\extplorer\visual
When you have in your path a "\v", this product an error, it doesn't find the folder, it reads
C:\Program Files\webserveur\www\extplorerisual
Updated by Sören Eberhardt-Biermann about 12 years ago
the path is interpreted as a RegEx, so you need to escape valid RegEx switches like \v.
I'm just not sure, how you can escape it. Please try /\v or \\v
Updated by guss oner about 12 years ago
in fact when I have installed eXtplorer, my root path was definied like this by myslef in .htusers.php :
and it was OK.
When a user updated his password, the .htusers.php file has been edited automaticly like this :
array("chek","debd45af34d00201361b3d4d0ec99acd","C:\Program Files\webserveur\vhost\extplorer\share","http://localhost",1,"",7,1)
and then the problem arrived