Fehler #185
openBlank Screen in FTP Authentication Mode Using extplorer As Standalone
I get a blank screen (except for the header) after logging in successfully in extplorer using only FTP authentication in stand-alone mode.
This appears to only happen on newer operating systems. I get a blank screen in Ubuntu 14.04 with my web server software setup exactly as it is in Ubuntu 12.04.
In Ubuntu 12.04, extplorer using FTP authentication works, and I am able to upload & modify files.
In Ubuntu 14.04, extplorer successfully logs in using FTP authentication, but then I get a blank screen (except for the header) without being able to interact with any of my files.
Attached is my config and a screenshot. The latest extplorer is unusable using FTP authentication as stand-alone software on Ubuntu 14.04.
Updated by C haoz over 9 years ago
Which PHP versions are you using?
Have you tried the workaround I described in http://extplorer.net/issues/121
Updated by C haoz about 7 years ago
Which PHP versions are you using?
Does the workaround in http://extplorer.net/issues/121 work for you?