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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
106 Fehler Feedback Normal nach Update auf 2.1.3 http 500 Error 11/06/2013 02:44 PM Actions
94 Fehler Neu Normal Joomla 3.0 error - Undefined JComponentTitle 12/16/2012 10:42 PM Actions
91 Fehler Neu Normal Cant see no files 12/14/2012 03:55 AM Actions
90 Fehler Neu Normal eXtplorer stopped working just reloading 12/14/2012 03:55 AM Actions
88 Feature Neu Normal plupload 12/14/2012 03:55 AM Actions
87 Fehler Neu Normal Extplorer issue Rogier van Rees 12/14/2012 03:55 AM Actions
85 Fehler Neu Normal Extended characters NOT fully supported 12/14/2012 04:07 AM Actions
83 Fehler Neu Normal Moved site from development to live hosting using akeeba now can't get this extension to work at all 12/14/2012 04:04 AM Actions
80 Feature Neu Normal Not working with Joomla 1.7 12/14/2012 04:07 AM Actions
78 Fehler Neu Normal Joomla 1.5.26 installation 12/14/2012 04:13 AM Actions
77 Fehler Neu Normal "An unknown Error occured" on archiving 12/14/2012 04:12 AM Actions
72 Fehler Neu Normal Public Directory 12/14/2012 04:12 AM Actions
67 Fehler Neu Normal Blank page after install in joomla 2.5.4 12/14/2012 04:07 AM Actions
62 Fehler Neu Normal eXtplorer hangs 12/14/2012 04:10 AM Actions
56 Fehler Neu Normal Joomla 2.5 with dyndns 12/14/2012 04:15 AM Actions
50 Fehler Neu Normal Symlinks issue 12/14/2012 04:13 AM Actions
45 Fehler Neu Normal JSON Decode Error: dialog is undefined in joomla 1.7 12/14/2012 04:12 AM Actions
44 Feature Neu Normal toolbar 12/14/2012 04:08 AM Actions
42 Fehler Neu Normal cannot edit large file over 300K in Joomla mode 12/14/2012 04:13 AM Actions
36 Fehler Neu Normal Clicking on the View button in SSH mode gives "JSON Decode Error: unterminated string literal" 09/03/2011 12:16 PM Actions
35 Fehler Neu Normal Owner in SSH mode is "(unknown)" 09/03/2011 12:14 PM Actions
34 Fehler Neu Normal Panel header text in login screen is unclear Sören Eberhardt-Biermann 12/14/2012 04:12 AM Actions
33 Feature Neu Normal Hide server field in SSH login when there's only one configured 12/14/2012 04:10 AM Actions
32 Fehler Neu Normal umask in SSH sessions is hard coded 09/02/2011 11:24 PM Actions
31 Fehler Neu Normal Bug tracker categories are in German 12/14/2012 04:12 AM Actions
(51-75/87) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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