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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
31 Fehler Neu Normal Bug tracker categories are in German 12/14/2012 04:12 AM Actions
30 Fehler Neu Normal Flash uploader does not upload over https SSL 12/14/2012 04:01 AM Actions
29 Fehler Neu Normal install Joomla 1.7 error Notice: Undefined variable Sören Eberhardt-Biermann 12/14/2012 04:06 AM Actions
25 Unterstützung Neu Normal Login Screen not Loading a r 12/14/2012 04:01 AM Actions
24 Feature Neu Normal How can we change the LOGO or add custom wordings on the home page? 12/14/2012 04:08 AM Actions
23 Feature Neu Normal Crashes Firefox in Joomla 1/6 Kat Casey 12/14/2012 04:10 AM Actions
22 Fehler Neu Normal Unlink and Permissions problem 12/14/2012 04:13 AM Actions
20 Fehler Neu Normal Call to undefined function activate_user() 12/14/2012 04:15 AM Actions
19 Feature Neu Normal extplorer cannot handle a lot of user accounts 12/14/2012 04:11 AM Actions
18 Fehler Neu Normal files larger than 2 GB cannot be downlaoded 06/20/2011 01:29 AM Actions
13 Unterstützung Neu Normal Initial Login 12/14/2012 04:10 AM Actions
10 Fehler Neu Normal bug in Chinese directory name 04/24/2011 07:59 PM Actions
7 Fehler Neu Normal context menu download seems to be broken 03/30/2011 04:37 PM Actions
5 Fehler Neu Normal preview bei nicht bekannten dateitypen 03/23/2011 03:16 PM Actions
3 Fehler Gelöst Normal E-Mail Activation Code comes with localhost as address ... Sören Eberhardt-Biermann 12/14/2012 04:05 AM Actions
2 Feature Neu Normal Limit Upload file Types 02/16/2011 11:11 PM Actions
(101-116/116) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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