


Issue resolved : utf-8 characters display issue : might b... ยป list _for_utf8.php

Botu Sun, 04/03/2014 05:21 PM

// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
if ( !defined('_JEXEC') && !defined('_VALID_MOS')) die('Restricted access');
* @version $Id: list.php 203 2011-07-25 06:51:11Z soeren $
* @package eXtplorer
* @copyright soeren 2007-2010
* @author The eXtplorer project (
* @author The The QuiX project (
* @license
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in
* which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of
* those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
* your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
* deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file
* under either the MPL or the GPL."
* Directory-Listing Functions

// make list of files
function make_list(&$_list1, &$_list2) {
$list = array();

if ($GLOBALS["direction"]=="ASC") {
$list1 = $_list1;
$list2 = $_list2;
} else {
$list1 = $_list2;
$list2 = $_list1;

if (is_array($list1)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($list1)) {
$list[$key] = $val;

if (is_array($list2)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($list2)) {
$list[$key] = $val;

return $list;

* make tables & place results in reference-variables passed to function
* also 'return' total filesize & total number of items
* @param string $dir
* @param array $dir_list
* @param array $file_list
* @param int $tot_file_size
* @param int $num_items

// make table of files in dir
function get_dircontents($dir, &$dir_list, &$file_list, &$tot_file_size, &$num_items) {

$homedir = realpath($GLOBALS['home_dir']);
$tot_file_size = $num_items = 0;
// Open directory

$handle = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->opendir(get_abs_dir($dir));

if ($handle === false && $dir == "") {
$handle = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->opendir($homedir . $GLOBALS['separator']);

if ($handle === false) {
ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, $dir . ": " . $GLOBALS["error_msg"]["opendir"]);

$file_list = array();
$dir_list = array();

// Read directory
while(($new_item = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->readdir($handle)) !== false) {

if (is_array($new_item)) {
$abs_new_item = $new_item;
} else {
$abs_new_item = get_abs_item($dir, $new_item);

/*if (get_is_dir($abs_new_item)) {

if ($new_item == "." || $new_item == "..") continue;

if (!@$GLOBALS['ext_File']->file_exists($abs_new_item)) {
//ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, $dir."/$abs_new_item: ".$GLOBALS["error_msg"]["readdir"]);

if (!get_show_item($dir, $new_item)) continue;

$new_file_size = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->filesize($abs_new_item);
$tot_file_size += $new_file_size;
$new_item_name = $new_item;

if (ext_isFTPMode()) {
$new_item_name = $new_item['name'];

if (get_is_dir($abs_new_item)) {
if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "modified") {
$dir_list[$new_item_name] = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->filemtime($abs_new_item);
} else { // order == "size", "type" or "name"
$dir_list[$new_item_name] = $new_item;
} else {
if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "size") {
$file_list[$new_item_name] = $new_file_size;
} elseif ($GLOBALS["order"] == "modified") {
$file_list[$new_item_name] = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->filemtime($abs_new_item);
} elseif ($GLOBALS["order"] == "type") {
$file_list[$new_item_name] = get_mime_type($abs_new_item, "type");
} else { // order == "name"
$file_list[$new_item_name] = $new_item;



// sort
if (is_array($dir_list)) {
if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "modified") {
if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") arsort($dir_list);
else asort($dir_list);
} else { // order == "size", "type" or "name"
if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") ksort($dir_list);
else krsort($dir_list);

// sort
if (is_array($file_list)) {
if ($GLOBALS["order"] == "modified") {
if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") arsort($file_list);
else asort($file_list);
} elseif ($GLOBALS["order"] == "size" || $GLOBALS["order"] == "type") {
if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") asort($file_list);
else arsort($file_list);
} else { // order == "name"
if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") ksort($file_list);
else krsort($file_list);

if ($GLOBALS['start'] > $num_items) {
$GLOBALS['start'] = 0;

* This function assembles an array (list) of files or directories in the directory specified by $dir
* The result array is send using JSON
* @param string $dir
* @param string $sendWhat Can be "files" or "dirs"
function send_dircontents($dir, $sendWhat = 'files') { // print table of files
global $dir_up, $mainframe;

// make file & dir tables, & get total filesize & number of items
get_dircontents($dir, $dir_list, $file_list, $tot_file_size, $num_items);

if ($sendWhat == 'files') {
$list = $file_list;
} elseif ($sendWhat == 'dirs') {
$list = $dir_list;
} else {
$list = make_list($dir_list, $file_list);

$i = 0;
$items['totalCount'] = count($list);
$items['items'] = array();
$dirlist = array();

if ($sendWhat != 'dirs') {
// Replaced array_splice, because it resets numeric indexes (like files or dirs with a numeric name)
// Here we reduce the list to the range of $limit beginning at $start
$a = 0;
$output_array = array();
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
if ($a >= $GLOBALS['start'] && ($a - $GLOBALS['start'] < $GLOBALS['limit'])) {
$output_array[$key] = $value;
$list = $output_array;

while(list($item,$info) = each($list)) {
// link to dir / file
if (is_array($info)) {

$abs_item = $info;
if (extension_loaded('posix')) {
$user_info = posix_getpwnam($info['user']);
$file_info['uid'] = $user_info['uid'];
$file_info['gid'] = $user_info['gid'];
} else {
$abs_item = get_abs_item(utf8_decode($dir), $item);
$file_info = @stat($abs_item);

$is_dir = get_is_dir($abs_item);

if ($GLOBALS['use_mb']) {
if (ext_isFTPMode()) {
$items['items'][$i]['name'] = $item;
} else if (mb_detect_encoding($item) == 'ASCII') {
$items['items'][$i]['name'] = $item;
} else {
$items['items'][$i]['name'] = $item;
} else {
$items['items'][$i]['name'] = ext_isFTPMode() ? $item : $item;

$items['items'][$i]['is_file'] = get_is_file($abs_item);
$items['items'][$i]['is_archive'] = ext_isArchive($item) && !ext_isFTPMode();
$items['items'][$i]['is_writable'] = $is_writable = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->is_writable($abs_item);
$items['items'][$i]['is_chmodable'] = $is_chmodable = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->is_chmodable($abs_item);
$items['items'][$i]['is_readable'] = $is_readable = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->is_readable($abs_item);
$items['items'][$i]['is_deletable'] = $is_deletable = @$GLOBALS['ext_File']->is_deletable($abs_item);
$items['items'][$i]['is_editable'] = get_is_editable($abs_item);

$items['items'][$i]['icon'] = _EXT_URL."/images/".get_mime_type($abs_item, "img");
$items['items'][$i]['size'] = parse_file_size(get_file_size($abs_item)); // type
$items['items'][$i]['type'] = get_mime_type($abs_item, "type"); // modified
$items['items'][$i]['modified'] = parse_file_date(get_file_date($abs_item)); // permissions

$perms = get_file_perms($abs_item);

if ($perms) {
if (strlen($perms)>3) {
$perms = substr($perms, 2);
$items['items'][$i]['perms'] = $perms. ' (' . parse_file_perms($perms) . ')';
} else {
$items['items'][$i]['perms'] = ' (unknown) ';

$items['items'][$i]['perms'] = $perms. ' (' . parse_file_perms($perms) . ')';

if (extension_loaded("posix")) {
if ($file_info["uid"]) {
$user_info = posix_getpwuid($file_info["uid"]);
//$group_info = posix_getgrgid($file_info["gid"]);
$items['items'][$i]['owner'] = $user_info["name"]. " (".$file_info["uid"].")";
} else {
$items['items'][$i]['owner'] = " (unknown) ";
} else {
$items['items'][$i]['owner'] = 'n/a';

if ($is_dir && $sendWhat != 'files') {

$id = str_replace('/', $GLOBALS['separator'], $dir). $GLOBALS['separator'].$item;
$id = str_replace($GLOBALS['separator'], '_RRR_', $id);

$qtip = "<strong>".ext_Lang::mime('dir',true)."</strong><br /><strong>".ext_Lang::msg('miscperms',true).":</strong> ".$perms."<br />";
$qtip .= '<strong>'.ext_Lang::msg('miscowner',true).':</strong> '.$items['items'][$i]['owner'];
if ($GLOBALS['use_mb']) {
if (ext_isFTPMode()) {
$dirlist[] = array('text' => htmlspecialchars($item),
'id' => $id,
'qtip' => $qtip,
'is_writable' => $is_writable,
'is_chmodable' => $is_chmodable,
'is_readable' => $is_readable,
'is_deletable' => $is_deletable,
'cls' => 'folder');
} else if (mb_detect_encoding($item) == 'ASCII') {
$dirlist[] = array('text' => htmlspecialchars($item),
'id' => utf8_encode($id),
'qtip' => $qtip,
'is_writable' => $is_writable,
'is_chmodable' => $is_chmodable,
'is_readable' => $is_readable,
'is_deletable' => $is_deletable,
'cls' => 'folder');
} else {
$dirlist[] = array('text' => htmlspecialchars($item),
'id' => $id,
'qtip' => $qtip,
'is_writable' => $is_writable,
'is_chmodable' => $is_chmodable,
'is_readable' => $is_readable,
'is_deletable' => $is_deletable,
'cls' => 'folder');
} else {
$dirlist[] = array('text' => htmlspecialchars(ext_isFTPMode() ? $item : $item),
'id' => ext_isFTPMode() ? $id : utf8_encode($id),
'qtip' => $qtip,
'is_writable' => $is_writable,
'is_chmodable' => $is_chmodable,
'is_readable' => $is_readable,
'is_deletable' => $is_deletable,
'cls' => 'folder');
if (!$is_dir && $sendWhat == 'files' || $sendWhat == 'both') {


if ($sendWhat == 'dirs') {
$result = $dirlist;
} else {
$result = $items;
$classname = class_exists('ext_Json') ? 'ext_Json' : 'Services_JSON';
$json = new $classname();
echo $json->encode($result);


class ext_List extends ext_Action {

function execAction($dir) { // list directory contents
global $dir_up, $mosConfig_live_site, $_VERSION;

$allow = ($GLOBALS["permissions"]&01) == 01;
$admin = ((($GLOBALS["permissions"]&04) == 04) || (($GLOBALS["permissions"]&02) == 02));

$dir_up = dirname($dir);
if ($dir_up == ".") $dir_up = "";

if (!get_show_item($dir_up,basename($dir))) {
ext_Result::sendResult('list', false, $dir." : ".$GLOBALS["error_msg"]["accessdir"]);

// Sorting of items
if ($GLOBALS["direction"] == "ASC") {
$_srt = "no";
} else {
$_srt = "yes";

<div id="dirtree-panel"></div>
<div id="locationbar-panel"></div>
<div id="item-grid"></div>
<div id="ext_statusbar" class="ext_statusbar"></div>

// That's the main javascript file to build the Layout & App Logic
