


automatic users creation

Added by Alexander Detyuk over 11 years ago

Is there any way to create a couple hundreds of users? I mean, may be there is some ready to use script, or, if not, is it possible to find out what kind of crypting algorythm you use for password strings in config/.htusers.php in version 2.1.4 for us to write our own script. In version 2.0.1 it was obviously MD5, but in 2.1.4 we can not figure out in a moment..

Replies (2)

RE: automatic users creation - Added by Sören Eberhardt-Biermann over 11 years ago


it's still possible to use MD5-Hashes for crypted Passwords. Once the users logs in, the hash is recalculated using the new password hashing class.

ciao, Sören

RE: automatic users creation - Added by Alexander Detyuk over 11 years ago

thank you, MD5 truly works, but, i beleieve, i should tell you, that recalculating isn't works. Mean, i changed .htusers.php by adding an additional user-string with MD5-hashed password, then i logs in (as that added user), logs out, but .htusers.php did not changed - the hash string stands still..
