


EXtplorer review (in Russian) / Обзор eXtplorer

Added by Алексей Хорошевский over 4 years ago

Hello. On my website, I published eXtplorer review and video review (in Russian) ([[]]) of the main features of eXtplorer. I hope it will be useful for novice users.

Русский (Russian)
Здравствуйте. На своём сайте я опубликовал обзор и видео обзор eXtplorer (на русском языке) ([[]]) основных особенностей eXtplorer. Надеюсь, он будет полезен начинающим пользователям.

Replies (2)

RE: EXtplorer review (in Russian) / Обзор eXtplorer - Added by Magh S about 4 years ago

I had the same problems. The deprecated errors I managed to fix, and uploaded the fixed files in this thread:

The other problem you mention with the administrator/index.php?option=com_extplorer&nofetchscript=1 getting stuck:

It seems to be a redirection problem. For no apparent reason, the extplorer script is looking for its /script files in the folder /administrator/ INSTEAD OF /administrator/components/com_extplorer/

This only happens sometimes, in some Joomla sites and configurations only, and I do not know why. The only solution so far is to copy the /scripts/ folder from /administrator/components/com_extplorer/scripts into /administrator/.

Let me know if this solution worked for you.
