Fehler #14
openUT8 encoding don't work
i like extplorer with the usability and how it looks like. But i can't use it :(
Some folders with special chars like ü, ö, ä aren't displayed correctly.
I tried to remove utf8 encoding like suggested in this forum:
(<- Note: Use translator to get in english)
'Bücher' is displayed to 'B?'
'Urlaub - Ausflüge - Besuch' => 'Urlaub - Ausflg00650020002d0020Besuch'
Hope this information helps to fix the problem.
Let me know, if problem is solved, so i can start using this great tool.
Updated by Martin C. almost 14 years ago
Note: Maybe you can copy and paste one of my foldernames and see how it works on your system.
Updated by Tim Alatorre almost 14 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Martin, I think this problem is system independent. On one of my apache servers the folder names don't display correctly, but on another apache server and a wampserver they do.
I'm going to mark this issue as closed because I don't think it's a problem with eXtplorer.
Updated by Sören Eberhardt-Biermann almost 11 years ago
- Category set to Bug
- Target version set to 2.1.6
- eXtplorer Version set to 2.1.0 RC5
- Joomla! Version set to none
This will hopefully be fixed in version 2.1.6