Fehler #151
openHow to setup to make it support Chinese
eXtplorer Version:
Joomla! Version:
Joomla! 3.1
Updated by Gipors Lee about 11 years ago
- File QQ截图20140109130614.jpg QQ截图20140109130614.jpg added
I'm using it as a single file manager.I like the UI, but there is a problem. When there is a file wiht file name of Chinese, it can not display the Chinese, even if I using the Chinese lang. How can I fix it? I'm using the 2.1.5
Updated by Botu Sun almost 11 years ago
I've also encountered problem like yours.
I looked into the //include/list.php and found file names are encoded in utf-8 with
with is unnecessary since they were already in utf-8 when read from the file system.
So just replace every "utf8_encode($item)" with just "$item" and all characters are well displayed!
Updated by Sören Eberhardt-Biermann almost 11 years ago
- Category set to Bug
- Target version set to 2.1.6
This will be fixed in version 2.1.6