Fehler #165
openRussian coding
!!Version 2.1.5!!
I apologize for translation quality.
Extplorer can't work with the Russian signs. At display in a tree of folders and files it them incorrectly codes (on a site to the "http://www .online-decoder.com/ru" decoder CP1163 => UTF-8, though on the server all files in UTF-8). When copying / moving files with Russian names (an example "Привет") gives out a mistake ": Вы должны дать задать имя". At file or folder creation with the Russian symbols at the beginning of the name gives out a mistake "Вы должны дать задать имя" if the first symbol is other than Russian - the file is created but it is wrong (the example "0Привет" is created "0? ? ? ? ? ? "). The server and PHP for correctness of work checked simple scripts. Both the server and PHP work normally.
Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago
The "basename" function in scripts of ./include/mkitem.php ./include/copy_move.php blocks the Russian signs. However it doesn't solve a problem of creation of the file and its copying and transfer.
Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago
Debugging a script of mkitem.php I found out that get_abs_item () doesn't attach the Russian signs.
Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago
Looking through forums I found out that the "basename" and "mb_detect_encoding" functions incorrectly process the Russian signs. Therefore many functions work incorrectly. For work it is necessary to replace these two unstable functions.
Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago
The "ext_copy_move_items" function works incorrectly. When determining directory existence ("if (! @ $GLOBALS ['ext_File']-> file_exists (dirname (get_abs_dir ($new_dir))))") occurs a mistake.
Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago
click&drope function contains the coding converter that distorts the Russian coding, but I haven't enough knowledge of PHP to define where it is. After copying the file has no owner and his right (---------).