



Fehler #165


Russian coding

Added by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Target version:
eXtplorer Version:
Joomla! Version:


!!Version 2.1.5!!

I apologize for translation quality.

Extplorer can't work with the Russian signs. At display in a tree of folders and files it them incorrectly codes (on a site to the "http://www" decoder CP1163 => UTF-8, though on the server all files in UTF-8). When copying / moving files with Russian names (an example "Привет") gives out a mistake ": Вы должны дать задать имя". At file or folder creation with the Russian symbols at the beginning of the name gives out a mistake "Вы должны дать задать имя" if the first symbol is other than Russian - the file is created but it is wrong (the example "0Привет" is created "0? ? ? ? ? ? "). The server and PHP for correctness of work checked simple scripts. Both the server and PHP work normally.

Actions #1

Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago

The "basename" function in scripts of ./include/mkitem.php ./include/copy_move.php blocks the Russian signs. However it doesn't solve a problem of creation of the file and its copying and transfer.

Actions #2

Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago

Debugging a script of mkitem.php I found out that get_abs_item () doesn't attach the Russian signs.

Actions #3

Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago

Looking through forums I found out that the "basename" and "mb_detect_encoding" functions incorrectly process the Russian signs. Therefore many functions work incorrectly. For work it is necessary to replace these two unstable functions.

Actions #4

Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago

The "ext_copy_move_items" function works incorrectly. When determining directory existence ("if (! @ $GLOBALS ['ext_File']-> file_exists (dirname (get_abs_dir ($new_dir))))") occurs a mistake.

Actions #5

Updated by Павел Коровьев about 10 years ago

click&drope function contains the coding converter that distorts the Russian coding, but I haven't enough knowledge of PHP to define where it is. After copying the file has no owner and his right (---------).


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