Fehler #82
openhere are a lot of posts showing ploblems with extplorer
please fix it.
thank you
here is mine, extension only looping.
login: admin
PW: ***
Updated by Sören Eberhardt-Biermann over 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from Neu to Gelöst
Your web server is not properly configured. It does not load the file
Please change the permissions of that file so it can be loaded by your webserver (e.g. remove execution permissions).
Updated by Tobias Conrad over 12 years ago
files are now on 644 and folders on 755 like on my other installation with extplorer and still looping.
also with 777 it does not work.
What do you meen exactly with remove execution permissions?
Thank you
Updated by Sören Eberhardt-Biermann over 12 years ago
Please bring your webserver to deliver this script:
Currently that throws a 403 Forbidden error.
Updated by Tobias Conrad over 12 years ago
know to google, can fix a lot...
now ticket is closed
customer is statisfied again.
thank you nice tool
Updated by Alvin Parsons almost 12 years ago
Here is a simple fix for Joomla 3.03
Navigate to the following path in your Joomla installation:
Then edit the index.php file and insert the below code which is missing when the component is installed:
To help you identify where in the file the code should be inserted, I've shown below a snippet of my fix to guide you --
// Set flag that this is a parent file
define( '_VALID_MOS', 1 );
define( '_VALID_EXT', 1 );
require_once( dirname(FILE).'/libraries/standalone.php');
include( dirname(FILE).'/admin.extplorer.php' );
$mainbody = ob_get_contents();