/** @version $Id: conf.php 232 2014-02-13 20:08:10Z soeren $ */
// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
if( !defined( '_JEXEC' ) && !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) ) die( 'Restricted access' );
//-------------Configuration Variables---------------------------------------------
// Send gzipped content if accepted by the browser?
$GLOBALS['use_gzip'] = 1;
// Name of the authentication module which is used by default
$GLOBALS['ext_conf']['authentication_method_default'] = 'ftp';
// authentication methods can be found in /include/authentication
$GLOBALS['ext_conf']['authentication_methods_allowed'] = array('ftp');
//$GLOBALS['ext_conf']['authentication_methods_allowed'] = array('extplorer', 'ftp');
// the next setting controls which remote servers users are allowed to connect to
$GLOBALS['ext_conf']['remote_hosts_allowed'] = array('localhost',
$GLOBALS['allow_webdav'] = 0;
$GLOBALS['webdav_authentication_method'] = 'ftp'; // use one of the authentication methods in /include/authentication
// The following database settings are only necessary if you want to use WebDAV in Standalone Mode.
// Joomla users don't need to enter their DB settings here,
// because eXtplorer will read them from the Joomla configuration file instead.
// Now if you actually decide to enable the WebDAV interface in standalone mode, you must first of all create a new database
// by using the instructions from the file "webdav_table.sql.php", which can be found in the same directory as this file
$GLOBALS['DB_HOST'] = 'localhost';
$GLOBALS['DB_NAME'] = 'webdav';
$GLOBALS['DB_USER'] = 'root';
$GLOBALS['DB_TYPE'] = 'mysql'; // Name of the Database Server Type (see http://en.php.net/manual/en/pdo.drivers.php for more)
// Global User Variables (used when $require_login==false)
// show hidden files in eXtplorer: (hide files starting with '.', as in Linux/UNIX)
$GLOBALS["show_hidden"] = true;
// filenames not allowed to access: (uses PCRE regex syntax)
// Example: Hide files starting with ".ht" (like .htaccess): ^\.ht
$GLOBALS["no_access"] = ''; // "^\.ht";
// user permissions bitfield: (1=modify, 2=password, 4=admin, add the numbers)
$GLOBALS["permissions"] = 7;
// Support Multi-byte
$GLOBALS["use_mb"] = FALSE;
if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$GLOBALS["use_mb"] = TRUE;
// System Charset
$GLOBALS["system_charset"] = 'UTF-8';
// Set Locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF8');
$GLOBALS['ext_conf']['symlink_allow_abovehome'] = FALSE;
/* NOTE:
Users can be defined by using the Admin-section,
or in the file "config/.htusers.php".
For more information about PCRE Regex Syntax,
go to http://www.php.net/pcre.pattern.syntax