



From 03/26/2011 to 04/24/2011


07:59 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #10 (Neu): bug in Chinese directory name
If the directory name is Chinese, all file inside with zero size display and cannot be download. After rename the dir... danny wong


07:53 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #9 (Erledigt): No scroll bar in users' list
The scroll bar is missing in the users' list in the admin section. This means that above a certain number of users, t... Gary Csorgo


11:13 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #4: Folders showing twice in Extplorer
Sometimes I get three copies of folders. This happens in Firefox 3.6 on windows. Gary Csorgo


11:15 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #8 (Erledigt): Cannot change users' passwords from admin
I have tried to change other users passwords as the admin user, and both checking the "change password" tick and not ... Gary Csorgo


04:37 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #7 (Neu): context menu download seems to be broken
Can't download trough the context menu in ie (when the file is not selected (ie left clicked) the context me...
Klaus Eder


12:37 AM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #4: Folders showing twice in Extplorer
however the issue is not confined to double clicking, it's just if you double click a folder it ALWAYS happens (at le... Klaus Eder
12:11 AM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #4: Folders showing twice in Extplorer
bug shouldn't be in extjs, as it wasn't there in previous versions of extplorer, and is still there if I use the old ... Klaus Eder


11:37 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #4: Folders showing twice in Extplorer
same happens in ff 4 - if you doubleclick the directory in the tree the folders show up twice, if you click the plus... Klaus Eder
08:58 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #4: Folders showing twice in Extplorer
This is what I found:
When selecting a directory tree parent node to display the folder contents and THEN clicking...
Tim Alatorre
08:23 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #6: Uploads don't work in IE8
The problem lies in ux.ondemandload, IE doesn't like it, I have no idea why.
I have replaced the function with:
Klaus Eder
06:38 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #6: Uploads don't work in IE8
The problem seems to occur somehow because of the external scripts not being loaded
correctly by IE.
If you log...
Klaus Eder
06:03 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #6: Uploads don't work in IE8
create:function(d,e){return d.render?d:new b[d.xtype||e](d)}
seems to be the part where the error comes from ...
Klaus Eder
05:19 PM eXtplorer - PHP-based File Manager Fehler #6 (Neu): Uploads don't work in IE8
The Upload Window in IE 8 doesn't show.
Looks like this:
Error: http://j...
Klaus Eder

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